取得正常进展, students are expected to attend class every day, 准时来, participate in class and do all class assignments. Excessive, unexcused absences will result in disciplinary action.
Intensive English Program (IEP - required for F1 student visa)
*每周20小时/ 8周
每周15小时/ 8周
*时间:上午9:00 - 11:50
*每周22小时/ 8周
* Various; Discuss with 招生 Office
Important deadlines - All of the following are due three (3) weeks in advance of a new session, 更具体地说, by Friday of the fifth week of a current session:
• Requests for vacation must be received in writing using the Vacation Request form.
• Vacation requests are required for international students and requested for all students.
•在咨询和计划方面提供帮助, 学校要求所有学生参加学校的进度报告和继续调查的验证. (后者只作规划用途,并不构成正式的要求或通知.
•学生有责任通知学校以下任何地址的变化, 电话号码(s), 传真号码, 电子邮件地址(es).
Please allow 3 business days to process all administrative or document requests. (Allow 5 business days for the I-20 and all supporting documents once the application is complete.)
办公时间:上午8:30至下午5:00, Monday through Friday (Except for holidays and one-week seasonal breaks. 查看学校的校历.网考和托福考试在周六举行.
Students must agree to abide by parking regulations and all other school policies, 程序, including but not limited to those enumerated here and in the Student Handbook, 通过参考并入本协议.
学费, 费用, 课程, programs and school policies are subject to change; changes 应用 upon re-enrollment.
The school regularly takes photographs and makes video recordings in and outside the school, including inside the classroom and at school-wide events. 在注册, you consent that the school may use the same for any purpose without limitation or restriction.
在法律行动开始之前, all parties agree to seek mediation by the Justice Center of bet9官网app下载. Costs (estimated to be between $250-300) will be borne equally.
$175申请费将不予退还. 关于学费和其他费用:
Denial(F-1 students only: Initial Entry or Change of Status).
-学费: 50% refund, Less $275 行政 Fee (F-1
students only: Initial Entry or Change of Status)
make refunds to students who are terminated due to any violation of the schools
written disciplinary and/or attendance policies or local, state, or federal
学费,所有费用和 成绩单、文件等费用
送货、学生证等. 不符合退款资格.
must submit a signed and dated Refund Request, with the required documentation,
e.g.:拒签信(F-1学生). 退款将被发送或提供
within fifteen (15) business days from the date of course cancellation, denial
or from school, students are required to complete, sign and date an Official
撤军 为m and submit it to the Registrar’s Office. 退出日期
is determined by the date the form is submitted to the Registrar’s Office or
the date AEI terminates the student due to the student’s failure to adhere to
the school's attendance, conduct, or student progress policy.
Full payment is required before a student can be considered officially enrolled.
The minimum enrollment period is one full eight-week session. 在参加分班考试和/或上课之前,需要支付注册费和学费.
学费和其他费用(继续学生)在注册周(每学期的第七周)到期。. The deadline is by Friday, at the end of office hours at 5:30 PM. 逾期付款将收取50美元的费用.
课程学费不包括书本费. 每节课的书和书费都是强制性的. 复读生不发新书. 看到 其他费用 下面. 为 学费 信息,请访问 学费和杂费.
在课程第一周之后注册的学生将被视为学期中期注册,并将根据错过的时间获得按比例的学费学分. The applies to new students only and does not 应用 to continuing F1 students.
缺课天数(课程或辅导)不记分,但因严重和长期疾病(超过课程的一半)者除外。, 在这种情况下,学生可以选择在一年内免费重复课程(一次). 医生证明是必需的.
A charge of $35 is due for all returned checks or other refused transactions. Returned checks must be replaced by cash or money order within one week. 否则,学生可能不会上课. Students are liable for all reasonable costs associated with Collections, 比如代收代理费和律师费.
如果F-1学生没有完成大使馆初始入境或USCIS身份变更程序,则无法退款. 只有当拒签不是由未来的学生和/或其代理人的行动或决定造成的,才可以退款。. Refund Request needs to be submitted within 90 days from the date of denial.
• A one-time application fee of $175 applies to all students and is non refundable
• Book fee each session: $85 (Intensive English); $55 (Test Preparation ); $175 (USMLE, each Step)
• Document delivery: $25 (domestic); $65 (international)
• Continuing enrollment fee of $275 (F1 students: Vacation, 病假, and Temporary Absence) Non-refundable; may be applied against tuition.
被批准改变身份的学生必须在下一个可用的学期或在两周内开始, 以较早的为准.
Enrollment in the Test Preparation (TP) Program is contingent on meeting program prerequisites. 参加考试准备课程但被要求完成bet9官网app下载课程的学生需要承担学费差异的经济责任.
申请恢复F1身份的学生必须在I-20上注明的开始日期之前开始学习. All school policies that 应用 to F1 students also 应用 to them. (为 example, they may not break for vacation until after four sessions.)
F1 students are required to make normal progress in their studies. Normal progress is defined as follows: all students must achieve a score of not less than 70%.
签证已获批准(初次入境)的学生可以(以书面形式)申请推迟上学,最长可推迟一年. Subsequently, his or her enrollment will be withdrawn and their SEVIS student record canceled.
Students enrolled in the Test Preparation (TP) 课程 must be available for scheduled classes. 学校不能保证或必须尊重学生对更具体上课时间的偏好.
The USCIS requires that it be notified within 10 days of a change in address. Such notification may be made to the school and the school, in turn, will notify the USCIS.
Students are eligible for a vacation after one academic year or eight months of continuous study. 下一届会议的休假请求必须在每届会议第五周的星期五之前以书面形式使用休假请求表收到. 假期结束后转学或休学的学生,不得申请假期. 获得休假许可的职员应在休假结束后返回AEI进行培训.
A nonrefundable $275 Continuing Enrollment Fee is required for students approved for vacation, 病假, 或者暂时缺席. 这275美元将从未来的学费中扣除,在批准休假的学生的注册周或批准病假的3周内到期, 或者暂时缺席. 否则,滞纳金为50美元. All temporary absences or 病假s must be applied for and approved. 具体政策和程序, please ask for a Temporary Absence Request or 病假 Request form, 分别.
国际学生必须在每学期第五周的周五或之前申请转出(使用我们的转出申请表), and present proof of acceptance no later than the last day of the same session. 请参阅学校的转出申请表格(附在此处参考)了解更多信息.
身份变更申请人必须完成至少(三)个课程或从IEP毕业后才能转学. Otherwise, they are financially responsible for remaining sessions.
看到 also: 退款 and 撤军 Policy (all students).
•90 - 100%:高级熟练度
•80 - 89%:超熟练
•70 - 79%:达到熟练程度
• 0 – 69%: Not Proficient; Repeat 课程